Community Planning

PAC offers a variety of community-focused strategic planning activities and services to promote economic development throughout Idaho.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

A cooperative venture with each of the counties, tribes,  and municipalities within Region 1 (five northern counties of Idaho).

Regional Economic Development (RED Team) Strategy

A quarterly community planning meeting with the economic development directors in each county and the PAC community & Economic Development Team. 

Comprehensive Plan

Review and assistance for cities and counties.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

A cooperative venture with each of the counties, tribes,  and municipalities within Region 1 (five northern  counties of Idaho).

Regional Economic Development (RED Team) Strategy

A quarterly community planning meeting with the economic development directors in each county and the PAC community & Economic Development Team. 

Comprehensive Plan

Review and assistance for cities and counties.

Results of driving change

PAC’s on a mission to grow relationships and businesses in the community.