Community Impact

We work diligently with municipalities, counties, federal funding agencies, urban renewal districts, and private sector businesses to develop projects that will leave a lasting positive impact on the community.

We work with communities in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, and Shoshone county.

The Outcome

Our staff of professional certified grant administrators can successfully develop, fund, and administer a variety of public infrastructure and economic development projects, such as:

Drinking Water Improvements

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Community Centers

Downtown Revitalization

Infrastructure Improvement

Senior Centers

Fire Stations

Drinking Water Improvements

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Community Centers

Downtown Revitalization

Infrastructure Improvement

Senior Centers

Fire Stations

PAC also conducts grant administration and management (a.k.a. technical assistance) on local community projects. This includes, but is not limited to, labor monitoring, certified payroll reviews, community/income surveys, environmental reviews, and fund source analysis.

We assist communities in Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah and Shoshone.

PAC has developed an extensive history of successful relationships with the Idaho Department of Commerce, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, USDA-Rural Development, and The Economic Development Administration. We can assist your community in securing the right funding options for your project.

Yes, we assist communities with bond outreach.

No, many projects we administer are funded with a combination of grant and loan funds.  Some projects may be grant only, and some may be only loan eligible. PAC will work closely with your community to evaluate all the best funding options available that will fit your community’s needs.

Thrive with PAC

We’re eager to work with you!